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A cooperative society is a voluntary association of persons which works on the principle of mutual help and welfare of its members. There are various types of Co-operative Societies in India such as Co-operative Housing Societies, Co-operative Credit Societies, Co-operative Farming Societies, Marketing Co-operative Societies, Producer & Consumer Co-operative Societies.

We advise, file pleadings and represent clients in proceedings before the Co-operative Courts as well as Registrars ( Co-operative ). We have expertise and experience in matters dealing with:

  • Society Formation & Registration

  • Conveyance and Deemed Conveyance

  • Recovery of dues of members

  • Appointment of Administrator

  • Laws and Bye-laws of the society

  • Dispute pertaining with Constitution of the committee

  • Disputes regarding Election of Committee

  • Dispute regarding management of the affairs & Business of society

  • High Court Litigation pertaining to Cooperative Societies

The Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act 1960 provides for settlement of disputes by making a reference to the Co-operative Courts in respect of certain cases and the Co-operative courts are vested with the power to summon and enforce attendance of any witness including parties interested or any of them and to compel them to give evidence. The awards declared by the Judges of Co-operative Court can be executed without reference to any Civil Court.

Appeal , Review and Revision

Where an appeal against an order or decision of co-operative court has been provided under this act, it shall lie to the Co-operative Appellate Court. Review proceedings lie before the same court.

Formation / Registration of Cooperative Societies

Societies can be formed by the promotors / developers or by the members themselves. We undertake the said work of formation, registration and governance of the apartment / condominium or society by adopting the procedure laid down.

Deemed Conveyance

It is a concept that was brought u/s 11(3) of MOFA and is applicable to societies that have not received conveyance from the landowner or property developer within 4 months of their formation. We undertake & represent our clients in said Deemed Conveyance Application to the competent authority.

Co-Operative Society

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