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Conveyancing is the transfer of legal title of property from one person to another. We assist the client whether an individual, partnership firm, company and corporates in the transfer of property transactions and we effectively aim to meet the needs of our clients. We act, advise and undertake drafting, reviewing and finalising documents and contracts viz:

1. Pertaining to Property

  • Sale Deed / Conveyance Deed. 

  • Lease Deed 

  • Gift Deed 

  • Release Deed 

  • Mortgage Deed 

  • Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) 

  • Partnership Deed 

  • Joint Venture Agreement. 

  • Development Agreement. 

  • Search and Examination of Title Deed 

2. Pertaining to Employment & Service 

  • Employment Agreements 

  • Non – Disclosure Agreements 

  • Confidentiality Agreements 

  • Service Contracts 

  • Stock Purchase Agreements 

3. Pertaining to Business and Commercial Transaction 

  • Sale & Supply Contract 

  • Distributor Agreement 

  • Hire Purchase Agreement 

  • Assignment Contracts 

  • Supplier Contracts 

  • Advertising & Marketing Agreement 

  • Technology Transfer Agreement 

  • Import Export Contract 

  • Indemnity Agreement. 

  • Intellectual Property Licensing

We also provide services such as Advice, Drafting, Vetting and Finalisation of Contracts and documents relating to Intellectual Property Rights such as Trademarks, Copyrights, Patent & Design.

Non - Litigation &

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