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White Collar crime is a crime committed for financial gain. The main purpose is to obtain money, property, avoid losing existing property or gain a commercial or personal advantage. These kind of crimes are alleged to be committed by people of respectability. The continuous advancement of technology has led to a steep rise in white collar crimes.

We represent and act on behalf of clients who have been involved in either of the following types of crimes viz –

  • Cyber Crime – It comprises of unlawful acts wherein the computer or an electronic device is either a tool or the target or both. Cyber Crimes may be classified as: 

  • Crimes against persons such as Cyber stalking, cyber defamation, Ransomware attacks (type of cyber extortion), cyber pornography, identity theft, Spamming & Hate crimes 

  • Crimes against property such as Phishing Scams, Malware, Hacking, Credit card frauds, online theft, mischief, illegal gambling & selling illegal items online. Cyber law in India are governed by the Information Technology Act 2000.

  • Fraud - Wrongful or Criminal deception with the intention to result in financial or personal gain.

  • Forgery – It refers to falsely making or material alteration of a writing or legal instrument by which the legal rights or obligation of another person are affected, it is usually done with the intent to defraud anyone.

  • Cheating – It is an offence under which a person induces another to deliver the property or commission or omission of an act done on the part of the offender with the intention of deceiving the person. Cheating may also be done by personation.

  • Embezzlement - This is a type of financial fraud, it happens when a person is entrusted by an employer or another person to handle their money or property and such person uses his position to misappropriate the money or property. Such type of offences will fall under Criminal breach of trust in the I.P.C.

  • Bribery - It is a criminal act done by offering, giving, receiving or soliciting an item of value, money, property or other incentive to influence the action of an official or other person in charge of a public or legal duty.

  • Money Laundering – This is relatively a new type of white collar crime that involves concealing of profits and monies gained through illegal activities, the process of obscuring the origins of cash so that it appears to be legitimate.

  • Extortion – It involves the practice of obtaining benefit through fear.

  • Food & Drug Adulteration – Food adulteration is an act of intentionally debasing the quality of food offered for sale either by admixture or substitution of inferior substances. They acts are governed by Prevention of Food Adulteration Act and Food Safety and Standards Act.

  • Hoarding & Black Marketing – Persons who are involved in stocking large quantity of basic or essential goods and sell it in black market in extreme high prices when the goods are in high demand, the acts governing these are Essential Commodities Act 1981, Prevention of Black Marketing & Maintenance of Supplies of Essential Commodities Act.

  • Bank Fraud – It is usually committed by fraudulent individuals and companies on Banks by making fake representations, it is also related to manipulation of negotiable instruments like Cheque Bouncing, Securities and Bank Deposits.

  • Ponzi Schemes – This is a type of investment scam, which offers investor very high returns. MPID Act is an enactment whose object was to provide effective safeguards to the depositors who are duped by financial establishment offering Ponzi schemes.

White Collar & Cyber Crimes

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